Well, this has nothing at all to do with writing, but it made me feel good today, and I wanted to share it.
Hubby was having oral surgery today. Dental insurance will pay for some of it, and there is an off chance medical insurance will pay for some of it, too - due to one of the teeth that needed to be pulled, so the receptionist urged me to go get my insurance card. So I left him there, and went home.
On the way home I pass three schools. I slow down as per ordered every time, I HATE whe people speed through school zones, but for this one. It is an alternative high school, and no blinking lights, just a sign that is hid behind a tree reminding you. And of course, 90% of us forget at least 90% of the time.
I have seen a cop there for the last few weeks, I should have known, well, I forgot (the fact it was a school zone) and sped down at about 30-35 mph. He pulled out and turned his lights on. I turned the corner and stopped on a side street.
I had my license, but couldn't find recent proof of insurance. So there I am, no proof of insurance, speeding through a school zone (where fines are doubled). He asks me if I know why he stopped me, and I am like "yup. I forget that school sometimes." He says at least I didn't run - apparently the last guy ran from him. He then goes back to his car, and I mentally figure how the hell I am gonna pay for this, how it is gonna affect my insurance, etc - and, I didn't have my seat belt on either. I start getting mad at myself, knowing how freaking stupid I was, and worried, etc.
He comes back, and instead of handing me what would have boiled down to a nearly $400-500 fine, he hands me a WARNING. Oh my god, can I say relieved? So, I start the car up after saying thank you, and promising to do better, and the radio comes on, I don't realize what song it is until I turn it up, and it is
"Chain of Love" by Clay Walker. It was just the tail end of the song, but I remembered it from years ago, and knew how the whole story went. Many of us got a"mass email" with the story in it years ago, I am sure.
Okay, I will admit I am kind of PMSy today, but I actually had tears come to my eyes. What that cop did was NICE. He could very easily have screwed me, even knowing I looked nervous, that I was anxious about hubby (I don't do well when he is in pain), that I was completely honest, and knew exactly what I had done. He was NICE. And for that, I am grateful. (more than my pocketbook can explain).
Yes, I know cops are nice people. I know a lot of cops, and I like many of them, too. But it wasn't something he HAD to do. He could have given me a full ticket.
So I decided I need to do something extra nice for someone today or the next few days. Not that I don't try to be nice most of the time, but I think I need to make sure I go out of my way to pass it on.
The other day I saw a woman carrying two car seats and she had a baby in a harness, so I stopped the car and backed up to ask her if she wanted a ride, she said no, she was fine, she had just gotten those from someone who was throwing them away, and she was okay. She said she was enjoying the walk. Hubby said that today was payback for that little offer. Either way, I think I need to remember to pass it on a bit more. :)