Thursday, May 29, 2008

Letting a Bad Scene Go

I read a blog recently, or a short story, or something that was a wonderful example of needing to let a bad idea/scene/character go. As authors sometimes we get so caught up in a scene that we love, or that we spent forever on that we just can't let it go.
Sometimes we are convinced we need the word count. Sometimes we think that we need that scene to get a particular point across, sometimes we just don't want to cut.
I am at one of those points right now in one of my full lengths. I haven't worked on this one in forever, and I remember why. I got stuck here before.

I have a person who has been taken prisoner and he has gotten away. Which is great cause he provides some great information for my hero and heroine to be able to save the day. And I just rewrote another whole scene to make sure he fit.

But now I have a problem of his escape. There is no way I can make him have escaped realistically. If he escaped, then the bad guys would be on the look out for him. If they are on the look out for them, the H/h couldn't just walk up the way they did and recon the place as easily as they did. And if he escaped, the bad guys are the type to kill the rest and run away.

So, now, what do I do? Keep him or get rid of him? I hate this.


Michelle Hasker said...

cut him and save the stuff for another book :)


Tina Bendoni said...

He's cut
and dead
long gone