Sunday, July 22, 2007

Nothing Done

Well, Sunday is weekly check in for SWEAT. This week was not a good week for me in writing. I ended up going home last Sunday to visit my mom for a few days, didn't get back home til Thursday evening. I took my laptop, as I knew my mom was working, and figured I would get tons done while I was there. Boy was I wrong. I think I wrote maybe 250 words.
My niece's paternal grandmother died, and she spent a lot of time with me and her other grandmother (my mom). But that was only partly it. I also got little to nothing done on the airplane either way. I ended up sleeping, which I almost never do.
I did edit two of three short stories that my editor wants, and one more that I am subbing to someone else by the end of this week, although most of that has been done since I got home. But at least I am moving forward. THAT is the important part. Right? And now back to work.

Total Count for Sweat: 13,117

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